First Pediatric Dental Visits

At your child’s first dental visit with us our goal is to get to know you and your child and provide them with the best experience possible! The first visit is designed to gain your child’s confidence and trust, and we will take our time to allow your child to get to know us, our staff and get acquainted with the office. Our highly trained staff will utilize positive reinforcement, modeling and age-appropriate language to establish a positive and comfortable relationship with your child. We will review your child’s health history, dental history and risk factors for cavities, as well as prescribe digital x-rays when indicated. Your child’s teeth will be cleaned, and a fluoride treatment can be provided. Dr. Laura and her team will discuss oral health, disease prevention, trauma prevention and dental development specific to your child’s age. During the exam, Dr. Laura will check your child’s teeth for cavities, examine your child’s bite, and look for any potential problems with the gums, jaws and oral tissues. We spend time with you and your child demonstrating the best flossing and tooth brushing techniques, and will discuss your child’s present dental needs and recommended treatment. Every child deserves a lifetime of healthy smiles, and our goal is to provide the best dental care in a compassionate environment and make the dentist a fun place to visit!
At what age should my child have their first dental visit?
The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, the American Dental Association and the American Academy of Pediatrics all recommend that your child has their first dental visit by their first birthday. Your child should visit the dentist when their first tooth erupts (usually between the ages of 5-8 months). However, if they do not get a tooth before 12 months of age, it is still important to see them in order to make sure their teeth are developing normally.
You may ask, “Why so early? What dental problems could a baby have?” The most important reason is to begin a thorough prevention program. Dental problems can begin early. A big concern is Early Childhood Caries (formerly known as baby bottle decay or nursing decay). Once a child’s diet includes anything besides breast-milk, erupted teeth are at risk for decay. The earlier the dental visit, the better chance of preventing dental problems. When dental concerns are diagnosed early, parents can usually avoid more extensive, expensive corrections later. We strive to build healthy smiles during the formative years and ensure your child’s healthy growth and development. Children with healthy teeth chew food easily and smile with confidence. Start your child now on a lifetime of good dental habits.

What should I tell my child to prepare them for their first dental visit?

Children look to their parents or caregivers about how to react to new situations. If a parent or caregiver is apprehensive about their child’s first dental visit, the child will usually sense this. What you want to communicate is that going to the dentist is a normal part of growing up. You can help make their first visit a positive an enjoyable one. It’s usually best not to “over prepare” them. Simply talk to your child briefly to let them know where they’re going in advance. Be sure to tell them that the dentist and staff are here to ensure they have a healthy, happy smile and that we’ll explain all procedures and answer questions they have. Saying, “There’s no need to be afraid” or “Nothing will hurt,” in an attempt to comfort or prepare your child can plant the idea that there really may be something to be worried about. We are experts at creating an environment that children are comfortable in and take great pride in educating them about what to expect. Thank you in advance for being a partner with us to give your child a great experience!
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