What To Do About Your Child’s Sensitive Teeth: A Parents Guide

What To Do About Your Child's Sensitive Teeth: A Parents Guide

As parents, we constantly strive to ensure our children lead happy, healthy lives, and dental health is a crucial part of this equation. We work diligently to instill good dental habits in our kids, from daily brushing and flossing to regular visits to the dentist. But what happens when your child starts complaining of tooth sensitivity? Don’t panic; you’re not alone, and there are steps you can take to address this concern. Today, we’ll explore the reasons behind tooth sensitivity in children and offer some remedies to help ease their discomfort.

Understanding Tooth Sensitivity in Children

Tooth sensitivity can be a common issue among kids, and there can be several reasons for it. It’s important to identify the root cause to provide the right care and relief. Here are some common factors contributing to tooth sensitivity in children:

1. Tooth Decay: One of the primary reasons for tooth sensitivity in children is tooth decay. If your child has cavities or untreated dental issues, the sensitive nerve endings in their teeth may become exposed, causing pain.

2. Enamel Erosion: The enamel on children’s teeth is not as strong as that of adults, making it more susceptible to wear and erosion. Acidic foods and drinks, as well as aggressive brushing, can lead to enamel loss.

3. Bruxism (Teeth Grinding): Many children grind their teeth, especially at night. This constant grinding can wear down the enamel and expose sensitive dentin, leading to sensitivity.

4. Gum Recession: Receding gums can expose the tooth roots, which are sensitive to temperature and pressure changes.

5. Orthodontic Treatments: Braces and orthodontic treatments can sometimes cause temporary sensitivity as the teeth shift and adapt to new positions.

Remedies for Tooth Sensitivity in Children

If your child is complaining of tooth sensitivity, there are several steps you can take to alleviate their discomfort and protect their dental health:

• Gentle Brushing: Encourage your child to use a soft-bristled toothbrush and practice gentle brushing to prevent further enamel erosion.


• Desensitizing Toothpaste: Consider using desensitizing toothpaste designed for sensitive teeth. These toothpastes can help reduce sensitivity over time.


• Fluoride Treatment: Fluoride treatments at your pediatric dentist’s office can strengthen the enamel, making teeth less sensitive.


• Mouthguard: If your child grinds their teeth, a custom-made mouthguard can protect their teeth from further damage.


• Balanced Diet: Promote a balanced diet with limited sugary and acidic foods and drinks to prevent enamel erosion.


• Regular Dental Checkups: Schedule regular checkups at Kenmore Pediatric Dentistry to monitor your child’s oral health and catch any issues early.

Is Your Child Suffering From Sensitive Teeth? Book an Appointment at Kenmore Pediatric Dentistry in Kenmore, WA Today!

If your child’s tooth sensitivity persists or worsens, it’s essential to consult a pediatric dentist. At Kenmore Pediatric Dentistry, we specialize in providing high-quality dental care for children in Kenmore, Washington. Our experienced and friendly team is dedicated to making your child’s dental experience as comfortable and positive as possible.
Don’t hesitate to reach out to us today to schedule an appointment today. Your child’s dental health is essential, and we’re here to help ensure they maintain a healthy and happy smile. Remember, addressing tooth sensitivity early can prevent more significant issues down the road. So, take action and give your child the gift of a pain-free and confident smile.