5 Tips to Help Your Teething Toddler

5 Tips to Help Your Teething Toddler

By the time children are about two-and-a-half years old, they usually have all 20 of their baby teeth. The eruptions of these teeth, molars especially, can be painful and uncomfortable for toddlers. Teething toddlers might drool more than usual, feel compelled to put their fingers in their mouths, have swelling around their gums, and be fussier than usual.

5 Ways to Comfort a Teething Toddler

1. Teething Toys

Teething/chewing toys are usually kept in the fridge or freezer. They soothe while also encouraging the teething process with counterpressure on the gums. If you don’t have a teething toy available, a clean washcloth soaked in cold water can work, too!

2. Cold Food and Drinks

If you’re breastfeeding, your toddler’s instinct to chew can disrupt feeding times. You can always try giving your child cool breastmilk in a sippy cup or even frozen in a popsicle to soothe their gums. Cold foods and drinks will also be soothing. Try ice water in a sippy cup, chilled applesauce, frozen yogurt tubes, or cold fruit in a mesh feeder.

3. Gum Massage

A gentle gum massage is a wonderful way to relieve teething pain and help soothe your child. Wash your hands thoroughly and then run your fingers under cold water. Massage gentle circles over your child’s gums.

4. Over the Counter Pain Medications

It’s best to try other methods first, but if they don’t bring your toddler enough relief, the over the counter medications like children’s acetaminophen or ibuprofen can help. Remember to read and follow all the instructions on the package and to talk with your child’s pediatrician before administering any new medication.

5. Stick to Your Routine

Although teething and subsequent fussiness can easily disrupt your child’s regular routine of naps, meals, and bedtime, it’s important to try your hardest to keep your child’s schedule consistent. Doing so will increase his or her sense of security and allow your child to get all the rest his or her little body needs.

When to Schedule a Dental Appointment for Your Infant or Toddler

Children should have their first dental exam when their first tooth erupts or by the time they turn one (whichever occurs first). During your child’s first appointment at Kenmore Pediatric Dentistry, Dr. Stewart will perform a thorough physical examination to ensure your toddler’s teeth and jaw are developing properly. Dr. Stewart will also provide you with teething tips and dental care recommendations for your toddler.
To schedule your baby’s first dental appointment, we welcome you to contact Kenmore Pediatric Dentistry today.