Avoiding the Consequences of Unhealthy Thumb, Finger, and Pacifier Habits

Infants are born with the instinct to suck, which makes them naturally want to nurse. In fact, babies begin sucking on their fingers before they’re even born. The act of sucking on fingers, thumbs, or a pacifier helps to soothe infants and it’s perfectly natural. If the habit of sucking on fingers or a pacifier goes on for a long period of time, however, it can lead to problems, as your child grows and develops.

Avoiding the Consequences of Unhealthy Thumb, Finger, and Pacifier Habits

Infants are born with the instinct to suck, which makes them naturally want to nurse. In fact, babies begin sucking on their fingers before they’re even born. The act of sucking on fingers, thumbs, or a pacifier helps to soothe infants and it’s perfectly natural. If the habit of sucking on fingers or a pacifier goes on for a long period of time, however, it can lead to problems, as your child grows and develops.

The Best Age to Stop Giving Your Child a Pacifier

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, children should ideally stop using a pacifier and/or sucking on their thumb by the age of three to prevent the habit’s interference with proper development and alignment of your child’s mouth and teeth.

Negative Effects of Prolonged Pacifier Use or Sucking on Fingers

If the habit of sucking on a pacifier or fingers is prolonged, it can result in:

Tips to Discourage and Eliminate Non-Nutritive Habits

Most children will stop wanting a pacifier or quit sucking on their fingers and thumbs on their own between the ages of two and four. Some children, however, will continue these habits over a longer period of time, which can have adverse effects on their development. In order to help your child break the habit, you can try the following tips:

Additional Ways to Break Your Child's Habit

If these steps alone do not help your child break the habit of sucking on their fingers, then Dr. Stewart at Kenmore Pediatric Dentistry can provide further assistance. Depending on your child’s age and needs, we might recommend a prescription ointment that is completely safe but tastes bitter, which will discourage thumb-sucking. We can also provide your child with a specially designed orthodontic appliance which can be worn to prevent sucking on a thumb or pacifier.
Although most children will break this habit on their own, many do not and continue to suck on their fingers or thumbs well into childhood. If your child is having trouble breaking this habit, we encourage you to schedule an appointment with Dr. Stewart to prevent further problems from developing.

Your Child’s First Dental Visit Might Happen Earlier Than You Expect

In order to give your child with a solid foundation for healthy development, it’s important to provide them with good oral hygiene and dental care from an early age — earlier than you might expect.

Your Child's First Dental Visit Might Happen Earlier Than You Expect

In order to give your child with a solid foundation for healthy development, it’s important to provide them with good oral hygiene and dental care from an early age — earlier than you might expect.

When Should Your Child's First Dental Appointment Be?

According to the American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry, a baby should see a pediatric dentist within six months of the first tooth erupting, but no later than the first birthday. For each year of delayed dental appointments, a child’s risk of tooth decay more than doubles. A survey of children’s oral health found that most American children do not see a dentist until they are two years or older. Unfortunately, this puts many children’s oral health at high-risk at a very early age.

One Tooth or One Year Is All Your Child Needs

When parents of older children were asked why their children had not yet seen a dentist, the most common response was that their children didn’t have enough teeth or that they were too young. Primary (baby) teeth usually begin to erupt when an infant is around six months. Even if no teeth have erupted by the time a child turns one, they should see a dentist

It's Important to Take Good Care of Baby Teeth

Although your child will eventually lose his or her baby teeth, it’s important to take good care of them from the time the very tooth emerges because these teeth will be important for your child for many years, before they have all their permanent teeth.
Baby teeth are important because:

What to Expect During Your First Visit

At your first appointment with Dr. Stewart at Kenmore Pediatric Dentistry, you’ll learn the best ways to take care of your child’s tooth or teeth. Dr. Stewart will examine your child’s mouth and teeth to assess his or her development and health. She’ll provide you with information regarding teething, mouth cleaning, infant feeding practices, tooth decay from baby bottles, and pacifier or finger-sucking habits.

Scheduling Your Child's First Appointment

We welcome first-time pediatric visits anytime, but we recommend avoiding nap times. Scheduling your child’s first appointment for when they will be awake and alert will help the visit go smoothly. For more information about establishing your child’s care with Kenmore Pediatric Dentistry, we welcome you to contact our office today.